A Brief History of Hearing Loss

A Brief History of Hearing Loss

Kevin Garnett, B.S. Hearing Health, Hearing Loss

Today’s modern technology makes it easy to treat hearing loss. Tiny hearing aids sit behind the ear, or even rest inside the ear or ear canal. But because of all this technology we sometimes forget that hearing loss has been around as long as people have. Here are some of …

Why Pretending to Hear Doesn't Help

Why Pretending to Hear Doesn’t Help

Kevin Garnett, B.S. Hearing Loss, Tips & Tricks

It can take a person years to confront and address their hearing loss for a variety of reasons. Hearing loss typically happens gradually so it can be overlooked for quite some time. Additionally, people often think that impaired hearing is not a serious medical condition and that they can pretend …

Musicians & Hearing Loss

Musicians & Hearing Loss

Kevin Garnett, B.S. Hearing Loss, Music

In the last few years, scientists and researchers have learned even more about how hearing works and what factors may cause hearing loss. While it’s common knowledge that hearing loss can be a natural part of aging, you might not know that loud noises can also cause hearing loss. Professionals …

New Year's Resolution Get Your Hearing Tested

New Year’s Resolution: Get Your Hearing Tested

Kevin Garnett, B.S. Hearing Health, Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is more common than you may think, and approximately 40 million Americans of all ages struggle to hear clearly. You may have hearing loss from exposure to dangerously loud sounds on the job, or from noisy leisure activities such as attending rock concerts or sports events. Hearing loss …

Q&A About Hearing Loss

Q&A About Hearing Loss

Kevin Garnett, B.S. Hearing Loss

Asking questions about hearing loss can be hard, and there are a few questions you’re afraid to ask. We believe there are no dumb questions when it comes to your hearing health, and you should ask as many questions as you need to have a clear picture of your health. …