Widex Hearing Aids

Since it’s inception in 1956, Widex is proud to be family owned and operated. It is also the sixth largest manufacturer of hearing aids throughout the globe. The company’s vision is to ““give people unlimited access to a world of sound by providing perfect hearing”. To do so, they operate under five key values: we put customers first, we are pioneers, we are reliable, we have team spirit, and we are passionate.


Widex EVOKE™

Widex truly broke the mold when they unveiled their EVOKE™ hearing aid series. What makes the EVOKE™ so revolutionary is that is begins as smart technology, but continues to get smarter the longer you wear it. The EVOKE “learns” in two distinct ways. You can specifically teach it your listening preferences by using the EVOKE app. You will be given multiple soundscape choices in your current environment and asked to choose the one you prefer. Using SoundSense technology – your hearing aids will not only remember your preferences for this environment, but will also automatically adjust to these preferences in similar listening environments – even if you are half way across the world. Widex is also continuously learning automatically. When you or other EVOKE users wear your hearing aids, they intelligently “learn” various listening environments. They then collect and use this anonymous information to create a better experience for all users.

Learn More About Widex EVOKE™


The BEYOND and BEYOND Z hearing aids are a great option for busy professionals or music lovers who enjoy streaming music or phone conversations directly to their hearing aids. The BEYOND and BEYOND Z stream phone calls, music, and even TV shows directly from your iPhone or iPad, creating a truly a seamless listening experience. BEYOND users can also use the app to create personalized listening environments for the various places they go – with the option to use their own pictures! BEYOND Z hearing aids are also rechargeable – making them great for the on-the-go wearer.

Learn More About Widex Beyond

Widex Unique

The Widex UNIQUE uses industry leading wind suppressing technology to make them the supreme hearing aids for users with an active lifestyle. They are uniquely suited to automatically and intuitively adjust themselves to whatever you may be doing – and wherever you may be doing it!

Learn More About Widex Unique

Got Q's?

If you have questions about Widex Hearing devices, reach out to our friendly team to inquire. We aim to be a comprehensive hearing health care center, and will work tirelessly to meet your needs.

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