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2022 is fast approaching, which means that many of us are reflecting on the past year and thinking about what changes we’d like to make in the coming months. When making resolutions, good physical health is often the goal, sometimes requiring us to change our diet, cut out a harmful habit, or add a new exercise routine to our daily schedule. Without a doubt, these resolutions are made with the best of intentions but can be–as we all know–very hard to keep.
So, here’s an easy one to keep: schedule an annual hearing exam. If you have undiagnosed hearing loss, this single step can significantly improve your mental and physical well-being and positively affect your life in several other ways.
Hearing loss is a very common condition
Hearing loss can be isolating, but there’s no reason to delay having your hearing checked out of worry over the results or fear that you are alone with this condition. Hearing loss is a widespread and very treatable condition, commonly addressed with the use of hearing aids. Let’s take a look at some eye-opening facts about hearing loss in the US:
- Hearing loss is the third most prevalent chronic condition in older Americans.
- Approximately 1 in 3 people between 65 and 74 have hearing loss.
- Nearly half of those older than 75 have trouble hearing.
- About 12 percent of the US population has significant hearing loss. That’s 38 million Americans!
- 1 in 6 baby boomers (ages 41-59) has some type of hearing loss.
- An estimated 15 percent of Americans between the ages of 20 and 69 have noise-induced hearing loss.
- Of people who could benefit from wearing a hearing aid, only 1 out of 5 wear one.
Hearing loss affects people across all age groups and in all walks of life. Whether their hearing damage is related to noise exposure, aging, or another cause, in most cases, being fitted with hearing aids can bring significant relief.
What untreated hearing loss can do
There are countless benefits to treating hearing loss, but what if it remains undiagnosed and untreated? Research shows that neglecting this condition can have severe consequences for both the body and the mind.
One of the most apparent effects of untreated hearing loss is the toll it can eventually take on personal relationships. It becomes more and more challenging to communicate with others; many hard of hearing people react by withdrawing from social engagements, meaning less time spent with friends and family. The frustration involved with simple conversations can further drive a wedge between the person suffering from hearing loss and their loved ones. Fortunately, seeking treatment such as hearing aids can often restore those important communication lines and help renew those bonds.
Another compelling reason to seek help with hearing loss is that this condition has been shown to harm the brain when ignored. Cognitive diminishment was found to be 41 percent greater in seniors with hearing loss in a recent study for two reasons:
- When the brain has to work harder to understand degraded speech signals, other areas like memory and comprehension begin to suffer.
- Hearing loss has been shown to increase isolation and loneliness, increasing one’s risk factors for Alzheimer’s and dementia.
As if these reasons weren’t enough, untreated hearing damage has also been shown to harm self-esteem, overall happiness, general health, and well-being. It has been linked to an increased incidence of falls and household injuries.
Take a hearing test today!
Hearing loss is one of the most treatable chronic conditions. But it’s not all bad news. Research shows that individuals fitted with hearing aids have shown significant improvement in many areas of their lives.
Among other things, hearing devices can:
- help to reduce mental fatigue
- aid communication
- help with relationships
- improve memory and focus.
You may not currently have any signs or symptoms of hearing loss. However, getting your hearing checked once a year is still recommended, mainly if you are 50 or older. Your future of clearer hearing awaits, so schedule your appointment today with us. We look forward to hearing from you!