Your Hearing Health Professionals

Our Mission Statement

Our mission at Hearing Aid Services of Antioch is to improve the quality of life of our clients through better hearing. As a family practice, we treat each client as a unique individual, helping each person find the solution that works for them!
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Kevin Garnett, Hearing Aid Dispenser


Hearing Aid Dispenser

Kevin has been a resident of Antioch since 1994, graduating from Deer Valley High School and then going on to graduate from Humboldt State University with a degree in Computer Information Systems. He completed his certification as a Hearing Instrument Specialist and has been working as a hearing healthcare provider since 2014. He is uniquely qualified to improve your quality of life through better hearing, helping you to make the right hearing technology choice for your unique lifestyle. He enjoys SCUBA diving and virtual reality, and is a member of the California Hearing Healthcare Providers and the International Hearing Society.

Got Q's?

If you have questions about Oticon hearing devices, reach out to our friendly team to inquire. We aim to be a comprehensive hearing health care center, and will work tirelessly to meet your needs.

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